Guided Audio Meditations & Visualizations

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3 FREE Guided Audio Meditations
for the Creative Artists' Soul

What You Get Inside

Release Resistance & Take Pleasure in the Process



Uncover your hidden, subconscious mind


Let go of negative beliefs and step into a new you

4 min. This guided meditation is designed to help you release fear and to focus on the feelings you'll have when you live your most passionate dreams. 
For Jay Shetty coaches, this visualization is adapted from Module 7.1 Fear. 

Under 10 min. This guided meditation will help reveal your subconscious mind to your conscious mind for deeper mindfulness to create your life intentionally.
For Jay Shetty coaches, this visualization is adapted from Module 6.3 Mind.

12 min. This original guided exercise is designed to help you let go of old identities and step into a new vision for your life. Inspired by acting character development exercises, you will explore the world while embodying confidence and fulfillment. This is a very powerful manifestation practice that can be done daily or when you need a dose of empowerment! 

Meditations by Cayla Buettner
Music written and produced by Daniel Laburu

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